We help our community succeed in Eastern Europe

Why join us ?


Connect to the community, and learn more about our next events and other important announcements. Subscribe to our newsletter to get started.


From the community to the community is our motto. We do many things based on sharing moments together, stories, experiences, and insights. You are also welcome to share your story and your challenges with us, and we may be able to help.


Join one of our multiple community-driven initiatives and benefit from valuable insights, best practices, training, and coaching provided by our active professional community members designed to build a self-sustaining and unbridled community.

What we do


We organise events to connect our members and help them grow

  • Cultural Celebrations
  • Workshops & Seminars
  • Trips & Excursions

Check-our Facebook Page to join our next event


We provide students, professionals, and entrepreneurs with:

  • mentorship
  • coaching
  • workshops

to help them

  • navigate through the challenges
  • reveal existing opportunities
  • develop new perspectives


We support members of our community with financial aid and grants:

  • Masters and PhDs Academic Scholarships
  • Foreign Language Courses Scholarship
  • Subsidised Private Health Insurance

to help them excel and thrive in the proper conditions and a safe environment.

Contact us

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